So here we are again :)
For those of you that follow the Blog, I apologize for its recent sporadic posts; I've been really busy lately with school, but hopefully things will slow down soon and I be posting more substantial posts as I once did. But until than, The Weekend That Was will continue to pour in every Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday :P
Ok, so Friday isn't TECHNICALLY part of the usual post; however, I felt that it was so much fun that it deserved a mention. I went home Friday night to go to Gaby's College Formal. It was SO much fun, even though all they played was Spanish rap XP. We were there from 8 - 12. After, since it was officially Saturday, we decided to go to Taco Bell and get a Fiesta Platter and Cheesy Potatoes; Always better at 12:30 in the morning. Being that my parents weren't home, I stayed over at Gaby's house Friday and Saturday night.
Not much. Gaby and I hung out all day, which was fun. We watched movies and stuff. You know, just a nice relaxing Saturday, really. We made dinner together; chicken, ratatouille, and pasta. The chicken Gaby made and it was AWESOME. I found that I absolutely love cooking with my lovey :)
Same sort of thing: Gaby and I hung out early in the morning. Her and her family drove me back around 2pm. We stopped at a Really good restaurant on Route 9 on the way. When they got here, I showed them around the campus: All the dorms, all the buildings, etc. It was fun to be able to "show off" my school. After they left, I studied for my Computer Science II test that I had the next morning.
So there you go, another weekend come and gone. Hope you continue to enjoy The Weekend That Was!
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